Illuminating Energy Pathways
With support from the Illinois Science and Energy Innovation Foundation, the Chicago Learning Exchange is leading Energizing Opportunities, an innovative project to illuminate learning pathways to careers in the electrical utilities and solar industries for high school-age youth.
Program Overview

This brochure provides a description of what a SMART Grid is; while giving instructions on how to obtain one from the Center of Mathematics, Science, and Technology at Illinois State University.
Construction Worker Job Description- ComEd
This one pager provides an overview of what is required to apply for the entry level position of a Construction Worker at ComEd.
An overview of ComEd
Dawson Technical Institute of Kennedy-King
This brochure provides an oversight on the Overhead Electrical Line Worker courses and requirements.
WBEZ: The Manufacturing Mismatch
This article speaks on the manufacturing companies need for workers and Chicago's inability to link capable worker the manufacturing industry.
Spotlight on the Chicago Learning Exchange
This article speaks to the efforts CLX has been making with ISEIF.
Empowering Designs - Video Library
Dean Lucretzia Jamison, Dawson Technical Institute- Kennedy King College

In this video Dean Jamison of Dawson Technical Institute- Kennedy King is speaking to the importance of adequately representing the trades and how opportunities can be missed due to the way trades are marketed.
Alex George, Work-Based Learning Specialist at
Chicago Public Schools-Career Technology Education

In this video, Alex George a Work-Based Learning Specialist at Chicago Public Schools-Career Technology Education (CTE) speaks on his engagement with Illuminating Energy Pathways and how students benefited. He also speaks on CTE’s plan for outreach and expansion of Energizing Opportunities to other CPS Engineering teachers & students.
2019's Evaluation